50 Ways to Boost your Mood

We all get stuck in ruts where we feel like the world is against us and there’s no way to turn the day around. Well, I have news for you, you’re wrong. If you get stuck in the mindset that your day is going to suck, it will. But if you are able to find just a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel, you will not just make it through the day, but happily make it through the day.

Sometimes all you need is a little inspiration to get you through the day. Whenever I am in a bad mood that I know I need to get out of, I try to do one little thing that makes me happy. I’ve compiled a list of these things overtime and I thought I should share them with you.

  1. Pet a dog (or whatever animal floats your boat)
  2. Blast your favorite song as loud as you can
  3. Meditate
  4. Do yoga
  5. Have a dance party
  6. Grab a bomb ass latte
  7. Take a walk around your favorite part of the city
  8. Read a chapter of your favorite book
  9. Go somewhere private and let it all out. (Scream, cry, whatever as long as it’s quick and you move on from it)
  10. Go for a drive through a scenic area
  11. Watch an episode of your favorite TV show
  12. Take a power nap
  13. Write your heart out
  14. Make a mood board (Read more about these in my last post)
  15. Look through old pictures
  16. Reconnect with an old friend(even if it’s just through text)
  17. Call your best friend
  18. Distract yourself
  19. Go shopping
  20. Write a list of your life goals
  21. Cook yourself a meal
  22. Look through inspirational quotes
  23. Envision yourself in the life you want to live
  24. Scroll through tumblr, instagram, or pinterest
  25. Clean your house
  26. Reorganize your house
  27. Make a list of things you want to buy in the future
  28. Go to a cute coffee shop or cafe
  29. Go out to eat by yourself
  30. Compliment a stranger
  31. Buy a meal for a homeless person
  32. Donate to charity
  33. Start a graditude journal
  34. Lay out in the sun for a little bit
  35. Go for a hike
  36. Explore a part of the city you’ve never been to
  37. Make a list of the things that make you happy
  38. Learn about something you’ve always been curious about-like how to knit or how to make latte art
  39. People watch
  40. Dye your hair
  41. Exercise
  42. Draw
  43. Go get a mani-pedi (or give yourself one)
  44. Go buy your favorite junk food and eat it all in one sitting
  45. Go take pictures-even if it’s just with your phone camera
  46. Go to Barnes and Noble (book stores make everything better)
  47. Buy yourself the one thing you’ve been wanting forever-but never wanted to splurge on
  48. Disconnect from social media for a bit
  49. Take a relaxing bath
  50. Fake it ’til you make it. If you convince yourself you’re in a good mood, you’ll be in a good mood.

Hopefully at least one of the things on this list will do the trick for you and put you in the best mood you’ve ever been in. I’d really appreciate if you could leave some things that make you happy in the comments- that way we are constantly spreading positive vibes and spreading the love! -K

2 thoughts on “50 Ways to Boost your Mood

  1. Amazing post, Kayla. Simply amazing. And great list of advice. And I am shocked that there are a lot of them that I have yet to try. Meditation, drawing, and exercise are at the top of the list though. Oh, and bookstores – sometimes I wish I could live in one.


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